
Ruth Bull & Priya Shah
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Will it be... Always, Sometimes or Never True?
This book contains statements that can be used to promote deep mathematical thinking through an investigative approach. The statements are aimed to be used in an explorative manner by a child, pair or group, or class of students. Each stimulating a journey of thinking and reasoning mathematically as one attempts to convince themselves and others about their findings. What will be the conclusion? Will it be always, sometimes or never true?
Rob Southern & Susan Whitehouse
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Teaching A Level Maths is a joint project by teachers Rob Southern and Susan Whitehouse. Susan and Rob have collaborated to write a guide to the content and pedagogy of A Level Maths based on their considerable experience of working with students and teachers. The book is designed to give new teachers ideas that they can implement in their own classrooms. However, experienced teachers will also find inspiration and opportunities to reflect on their own practice.
Chris Pritchard
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This eBook tells the story of the assistance that George Darwin, Charles Darwin's son, gave to one of the great pioneers of statistics, Francis Galton
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96 revision cards for the reformed A level specifications in mathematics.
Sue Waring
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Proof is back in the national curriculum! Across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland pupils should be developing skills in mathematical proof.
The Mathematical Association
0 906588 40 5
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Ideas for using Christmas to enhance mathematics learning.
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This bundle is designed to give you ideas in teaching A Level Maths, supports classroom learning and revision leading up to exams. Includes: A Level Bundle: Teaching A Level Maths, A Level Pure Mathematics & A Level Cards.
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Edited by Chris Pritchard & John Berry
Foreword by Sarah Hart, Gresham Professor of Geometry
Colin Foster
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Flowcharts are visually engaging ways of describing mathematical processes and can offer a starting point for rich mathematical activity.
Chris Pritchard
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Written during his term as President of the Mathematical Association, this collection of essays by Chris Pritchard emphasises the need for us to focus on the visual