
Ruth Bull & Priya Shah
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Will it be... Always, Sometimes or Never True?
This book contains statements that can be used to promote deep mathematical thinking through an investigative approach. The statements are aimed to be used in an explorative manner by a child, pair or group, or class of students. Each stimulating a journey of thinking and reasoning mathematically as one attempts to convince themselves and others about their findings. What will be the conclusion? Will it be always, sometimes or never true?
Ray Huntley
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This book celebrates 25 years of Primary Mathematics, the journal published by the Mathematical Association specifically for primary practitioners, focusing on the learning and teaching of mathematics. This new edited collection brings together some of the best articles from its first 74 issues since its inception in 1997.
Sue Waring
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Proof is back in the national curriculum! Across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland pupils should be developing skills in mathematical proof.
The Mathematical Association
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This book contains over 200 multiple choice problems which aim to interest and motivate pupils.
The Mathematical Association
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This book contains over 200 multiple choice problems which aim to interest and motivate pupils.
The Mathematical Association
978 0 906588 871
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Challenge Your Pupils 3. Using Problem Solving questions taken from the Primary Mathematics Challenge.
The Mathematical Association
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This book contains over 200 multiple choice questions taken from past Primary Mathematics Challenge papers, which aim to interest and motivate pupils.
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Buy all four Challenge Your Pupils Books together
Ed Southall
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Geometry Juniors is an exciting exploration of shape and space in mathematics, enabling children to test their knowledge and think mathematically using open problems and discussion prompts.
Jenni Back
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Hooked on Mathematics shares an exciting approach to teaching mathematics at Key Stage 2 that gets children interested and keen to learn and is based on a long term collaboration with the staff and pupils at St Martin’s CE Primary School, Brighton.